On Monday, April 21, 2025, Dr. Emily Sheahan is running the Boston Marathon to raise funds for Team World Vision's Clean Water Projects. Emily appreciates mile-by-mile prayers during the race. Sign up for a "prayer mile" at the ECC Welcome Desk. If you would like to donate financially to World Vision Clean Water Projects, see the indented paragraphs for how to do that :)
From Emily --
"It's that time of the year again and as you have heard, I have joined Team World Vision again this year to raise money for clean water in Africa! I have been training for the Boston Marathon this year again, which will be on April 21st and I am hoping you will partner with me to bring more clean water to villages in Africa!
Last year we raised over $15,000, which brought the grand total to over $64,000 that we have raised together over the past 13 years! I am so grateful to all of you who have been so generous over the years! The money raised helps to bring clean water to villages that lack such a basic need.
I was able to see first hand the difference clean water projects made in communities in Zambia when I visited with Team World Vision in 2012. As the video this morning showed, World Vision works along side villages to determine the best plan to bring clean water to each community. World Vision's water projects are comprehensive, sustainable, and complex. The staff and engineers from World Vision choose from different types of water points, depending on the geography, and the needs of the community. Innovative projects like wells, solar-powered pumps, pipelines, dams, and rain catchments are implemented for the villages to have access to clean water for drinking and cooking, for livestock, and crop irrigation.
We can still make a difference as we continue to bring clean water to communities who, without clean water, continue to be devastated by illnesses and disease due to drinking contaminated water. My goal is to continue to run a marathon each year and partner with generous people like you who are willing to donate to such an amazing cause and bring clean water to more communities across Africa.
If you are interested in donating to World Vision for clean water projects, there are two ways:
- Check: Write a check to World Vision and put it in the offering box.
- Online: Go to my donation page by simply clicking one of the DONATE buttons on this page.
Thank you so much for your continued support!"