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Dr. Emily Sheahan will be running the Boston Marathon on Monday, April 21, 2025 to raise funds for clean water projects through Team World Vision. On March 21st,  7 am - 6 pm, there is a matching fund for all donations! See indented paragraphs below for how to donate to get the matching funds.

From Emily --

"It's that time of the year again and as you have heard, I have joined Team World Vision again this year to raise money for clean water in Africa!  I have been training for the Boston Marathon this year again, which will be on April 21st and I am hoping you will partner with me to bring more clean water to villages in Africa!

Last year we raised over $15,000, which brought the grand total to over $64,000 that we have raised together over the past 13 years!  I am so grateful to all of you who have been so generous over the years!  The money raised helps to bring clean water to villages that lack such a basic need.

On March 21st there will be a matching donation for anyone who donates on my Team World Vision donation page. There are two ways to get the matching funds:

  • 1. Let ECC take care of it for you! Simply donate ahead of time and we'll make sure to donate online on March 21st. Dr. Sheahan will receive a list of donors and amounts. Here's how to donate via ECC: 
    • a) Check made out to: ECC with “World Visionon the memo line Turn the check in to an offering box or a pastor or elder before Friday, March 21st.
    • b) On our church website under "Give": Once on the Give page, click the "Give Online Now" button and select "Team World Vision" from the drop down menu.
  • 2. On your own, online on March 21st: Mark your calendar and donate on March 21st to make an even bigger impact to bring clean water to more communities in Africa! To get to my donation page, simply click one of the DONATE buttons on this page, or do an Internet search for: "Emily Sheahan Team World Vision 2025"

Thank you so much for your continued support!"